If you lost your car key or your key stopped working you might be wondering if your auto insurance will budge in and cover your car key replacement.
Answer is : It depends on your insurance, most standard auto insurance polices do not cover any fee for lost or damaged keys even if it means you can't drive your car.

Specific polices cover lost car key replacement which are usually an added insurance policies you need to add that cover Roadside Assistance instances - most roadside assistance policies will cover some of your bill or a comprehensive coverage that includes stolen car parts ; an example of added roadside assistance is AAA, AAA Roadside assistance costumers enjoy car door unlocks and they will cover anywhere between
50$ -150$ out of your total bill for lost keys and help you find a local locksmith.
Price for lost keys can vary anywhere between 175$ - 350$ for standard Domestic, Asian makes and can go up to 450 $- 600 $ for Euro makes.
(some range rovers or unique system can be as expensive as 900$).
How do I get a new Car Key ?
Most smart keys, keyless entry & Transponder Keys (chipped keys) can be replaced by an Automotive Locksmith or the Dealership.
1.Find a service provider :
With an auto locksmith usually the service will happen on site with the vehicle and the locksmith will travel to you as oppose to the dealership where the vehicle will have to be towed to the dealer for the programming to take place - you can try and get your roadside assistance insurance to cover the tow if needed.
2.Make sure you have a proof of Ownership:
Also you will need to make sure you can provide a proof of ownership for the vehicle you need a new key for usually a proof of insurance, title or a registration with your name and a valid Drivers License can be used to show ownership and start the process with an auto dealer or an auto locksmith.
*if you didn't call your roadside assistance upfront and asked for service keep your receipt from the service provider that provided you with a new key and contact your roadside assistance to try and get reimbursed for some of the service, coverage will depend on your policy.